【語学教師がバイリンガルブログに挑戦】ブロガー挑戦#01 How to begin a blog? 最初の一歩はどこにある?


Step#1 Pick a server サーバー選び


First, I learned the basic stuff at hitodeblog.com. What I learned is …

🈚️free type or 🈶paid type
  • writing as hobby… free type
  • aiming for advertising revenue… paid type


  • 趣味の範囲で書くだけなら無料
  • 広告収入を目指すなら有料

I actually have been a free type blogger for more than half of my life. So, I had no second thought and picked up the free one. As a free type blogger, I found myself a type of person who considers a blog as a personal note for themselves, not for someone else. I was really not interested in how others see my blog.


I saw hitodeblog’s recommendations such as ConoHa Wing, Lolipop, and mixhost, and I picked up ConoHa since it had a campaign price and it was Hitode’s no.1 recommendation. (Even though I know that I am super terrible at making a decision and I determined to make it as quick as possible, it took for a while. I am telling you that picking a server is nearly nothing and there is a lot of you need to sacrifice your time! )

ヒトデブログのオススメである ConoHa Winglolipop、そして mixhostを確認。結局、ヒトデさんイチオシのConoHa Wingに決めました。(自分が決めることが苦手な人間なので、できるだけ時間を最小限で決めていこうと決意していましたが、やっぱり決めるのに多少の時間を要しました。でも言っておきますよ、サーバーを選ぶのは本当に、サイトをこれから作っていくのに比べたら何でもありません。時間はサイトづくりに当てるのが絶対にいいと思います。)

Step#2 Rent a server サーバー契約をする

So, according to Hitodeblog, you are supposed to be able to make an account for about 20-min. Guess what happened! how much did I actually take!


It took 3 days.


It was because of the security matters for internet transactions. The services are all Japanese but I tried to make it outside of Japan. I had difficulty with ConoHa Wing first, and then I even tried with Lolipop too. But, the consequences were the same. And, I had to do some stuff manually, then finally I had my server in 3 days.


I was a bit disappointed that they had no instructions but it was inevitable matter. It made realized how it can be tough live abroad unfortunately.


If you were there, you could but I had to set up WordPress by myself since I couldn’t get through the quick setup option. I managed with quite a few patients.


Step#3 Construct a website with WordPress いよいよ作成開始

It was a harsh onset, but anyway I made it. Now I started construction. To construct my website, I had to learn how to edit, since the editing system on WordPress is very tricky. (Since I had been a WordPress.com user a while and I’d never tried to learn, I knew that you couldn’t get it without some commitment of learning.)


The most important thing I learned was that the main trend for Japanese users is ‘classic editor’ while the system is going to continue only ‘block editor’ in near future. Since I wanted to use the theme ”Cocoon” which is designed for Japanese users, a lot of information about this theme was explained by the classic editor, which apparently looked different page from mine. Then I realized this important fact.


Okay, so here is my first arduous page for the classic editor. This was a great experience for me to build a bilingual blog since the structure was crucial but tricky. It is so easy to get lost!


Step#4 Tips I used for my website! 私のブログで参考にした情報🔰

How to make a link to a certain part of another page directly? Your post has three contents. Now, you’d like to make a link to another page’s content’s no.2 directly, so that your reader does not need to scroll!


Your page has become so long, and you’d like to show a ‘back to a menu’ bottom automatically. How can you make it? According to my research, it is possible only for mobile, not for PC sites.


I want to make a contact page! There are some ways to do that, but I picked the way of using Google Form!

お問い合わせページを作りたい。いくつか方法があるみたい。私が選んだのはGoogle Formを使った方法です!

I want to put some articles with images beneath the top menu. There is a function for おすすめカード!


I want to make a category menu in my mobile menu.


I want to set tab-bottoms beneath the bottoms of the articles in the header.


In the editor, I want to set my regular color in the pallet.


I want to create a cute image easily! Canva can make it happen for you!


Can I choose a cute Japanese font in Canva?


Can get generic images easily with my regular color? unDraw is the best easiest!!


I want to find a suitable color for my website!


How can I set each page’s URL?


How do I turn off scrolling for a table?


I want to let my page be checked before publicizing since my German is not reliable.

  1. publish an article as visibility: private.
  2. you add another user account as an editor.
  3. when your editor logs in and opens your webpage, the private article will show only for your editor and yourself.


  1. 当該ページを非公開設定で公開する。
  2. 編集者の権限のユーザーを新規に追加する。
  3. 編集者でログイン後、サイトを開くとロク員情報を元に非公開と明記された記事が他の公開記事とともに表示される。

They are the all information I used for setting up my website! Of course, you can ask me anything if you have questions! Thank you so much for reading it, and see you again soon!


