英語でSapiens を読もう📖#17
For English learners!
Hello everyone, how’s your English learning journey going?😃 Reading an English book is sometimes a long journey. You might inadvertently stop if you are alone. But no worries. You are at the right place already. I would like to explore an English book here so that you can try reading the book with me. We are not alone. Let’s enjoy a fun time reading!
The book, which I picked up this time, is called Sapiens, published by Yuval Noah Harari. The Amazon Kindle link below allows you to read up to chapter 3. Today, I am covering chapter 17.
You can check out my recommending strategy of reading as well as a bit of information about this book with a link below. Okay then, let’s get started📖
Ch.17 The Wheels of Industry
🦧第17章 産業の推進力
Grasp the structure!🦧構成を把握する

To grasp the chapter, you just try to see its hierarchical configuration. I strongly recommend drawing it either physically or virtually.
🚧工事中 🚧
People became obsessed with the idea that machines and engines could be used to convert one type of energy into another. It is a matter of inventing the right machine.
🚧工事中 🚧
🚧工事中 🚧
🚧工事中 🚧
🚧工事中 🚧
Summarize the chapter concisely🦧章を一言でまとめる

To summarize, check the hierarchical configuration and make sentences with important points of each.
Economic growth requires energy and raw materials besides capitalism doctrine. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, humans relied on plants and the sun. People had been unable to notice the potential of energies such as steam engines’ mechanisms, petroleum, electricity, until the Industrial Revolution. Once admitting ignorance enabled people to invent the steam engine, they became obsessed with the idea that an invention enables them to convert one type of energy into another. The Industrial Revolution has been a revolution in energy conversion. It has continuously proven that the limit is only set by our ignorance. Scientific breakthroughs have been not only invented the mechanisms of energy but also discovered raw materials. It yielded an unprecedented combination of cheap and abundant energy and cheap and abundant raw materials. It brought an explosion in human productivity, and more people began engaging to supply products.
The modern capitalist economy constantly increases production. It means that someone must buy the products. Sapiens created a new ethic, the capitalist-consumerist religion which reins by two commandments: the rich shall more invest, while the masses shall more buy.
Make questions to discuss🦧ディスカッション用の質問を作ろう

To discuss, make questions. It gives you a great topic to talk about in English.
What does it mean? How are the parts connected? what is the reason for people’s actions?
There is more than one possible answer, but the viewer’s opinion is based directly on the text.
My opinion: It is really realistic, as the author point out in the chapter that it is so easy to find a psychological message that encourage us to buy more. Especially when I was in the U.S. I found that much stronger atmosphere in society. People buy so many stuff. Their culture is connected a purchasing action, from the decoration of the homeparty to wearing their own school, team, club T-shirts. I don’t think this lead Sapiens to paradise. As the chapter 12 explores Siddhartha Gautama’s realization, cravings bring Sapiens suffering. Unfortunately, this ethic lead them to the opposite place. And, the last sentences of the chapter “How, though, do we know that we’ll really get paradise in return? We’ve seen it on television.” seems to imply that the author doesn’t agree with it. Yet, moreover, this religion might have a dangerous potential to take away an ability of seeing where we are from us.
five questions for discussion🦧ディスカッション用の5つの質問
How does this make me feel? What does it remind me of?
There are many correct answers that are related to one’s experience; they can be found outside of the text/speech.
What does it say?
One correct answer is found in the text.
What does it mean? How are the parts connected? what is the reason for people’s actions?
There is more than one possible answer, but the viewer’s opinion is based directly on the text.
What is the message beyond this presentation? What are the greater issues or questions this piece deals with?
The presentation is not directly referenced in the question. There are many possible answers found outside of the presentation, but it’s a starting point.
How effective is the presentation in whole or in part? Why did the speaker/author make these choices and how well do they work?
Many possible answers can be found outside of the presentation but it’s a reference.
Expressions and terms🦧覚えておきたい単語・表現

Pick some terms that you are unfamiliar with from sentences you high-lightened and memorize them because you need them to discuss this chapter!!
term | example sentence |
suffice | The modern economy grows thanks to our trust in the future and to the willingness of capitalists to reinvest their profits in production. Yet that does not suffice. |
outstrip | For the first time in human history, supply began to outstrip demand. |
frugality | It encourages people to treat themselves, spoil themselves, and even kill themselves slowly by overconsumption. Frugality is a disease to be cured. |
Consumerism indulgence | Consumerism has worked very hard to convince people that indulgence is good for you, whereas frugality is self-oppression. |
単語 | 例文 |
不十分な | 現代経済は、未来への信頼と資本家の利益を生産に再投資する意欲のおかげで成長している。しかし、それだけでは不十分である。 |
上回る | 人類の歴史上初めて、供給が需要を上回り始めた。 |
倹約 | それは人々が自分自身を大切にしたり、甘やかしたり、さらには過剰消費によってゆっくりと自分自身を殺すことさえ奨励する。倹約は治癒すべき病気なのだ。 |
大量消費主義 甘やかし | 大量消費主義は、倹約は自己抑圧である一方、甘やかしは良いことなのだと懸命に説得に励んできました。 |

What did you think of the two commandments of the capitalist-consumerist ethic? I thought I had been successfully indoctrinated by this religion once in my 20s and half of my 30s. What brought me back from this religion was to become unemployed. I was really grateful that happens to me. Even though I try not to engage in this ethic, it is almost impossible to avoid completely. When I read this chapter, I thought I am definitely a member of the rest of us, who are in charge of consuming in society. Although more and more people try to increase their money via investment in order to join the group of the rich, the reality just tells us that the gap has just widened. However, considering the structure that we have seen in the book, this seems to be hardly changeable. What do you think?