英語でSapiens を読もう📖#13
For English learners!
Hello everyone, how’s your English learning journey going?😃 Reading an English book is sometimes a long journey. You might inadvertently stop if you are alone. But no worries. You are at the right place already. I would like to explore an English book here so that you can try reading the book with me. We are not alone. Let’s enjoy a fun time reading!
The book, which I picked up this time, is called Sapiens, published by Yuval Noah Harari. The Amazon Kindle link below allows you to read up to chapter 3. Today, I am covering chapter 13.
You can check out my recommending strategy of reading as well as a bit of information about this book with a link below. Okay then, let’s get started📖
Ch.13 The Secret of Success
🦧第13章 歴史の必然と謎めいた選択
Grasp the structure!🦧構成を把握する

To grasp the chapter, you just try to see its hierarchical configuration. I strongly recommend drawing it either physically or virtually.
🚧工事中 🚧
Studying history is to widen our horizons, to understand the present situations and many possibilities.
🚧工事中 🚧
History disregards the happiness of individual organisms. And individual humans are usually far too ignorant and weak to influence the course of history.
🚧工事中 🚧
Summarize the chapter concisely🦧章を一言でまとめる

To summarize, check the hierarchical configuration and make sentences with important points of each.
We cannot explain the choices that have been made in history. Some historians attribute it to a certain cause, but that is the hindsight fallacy. Rather history is just for us to help understand nothing natural or inevitable, and to imagine that the world might well arranged differently. Also, the dynamics of history are not directed towards enhancing human well-being. Rather, culture has no awareness, spread, harm everyone, and benefits only itself.
Make questions to discuss🦧ディスカッション用の質問を作ろう

To discuss, make questions. It gives you a great topic to talk about in English.
What does it mean? How are the parts connected? what is the reason for people’s actions?
There is more than one possible answer, but the viewer’s opinion is based directly on the text.
My opinion: Clio is the name of the Muse of history in Greek Mythology. The Muse of history sounds like a god to manage history. In the viewpoint of polytheism, history have been controlled for the benefits of humankind. However, the reality is opposite. Even if Clio is the Muse of history, they are blind and they never control history for humankind. History, rather, is determined by culture, which has no awareness, just spread, and harm everyone.
five questions for discussion🦧ディスカッション用の5つの質問
How does this make me feel? What does it remind me of?
There are many correct answers that are related to one’s experience; they can be found outside of the text/speech.
What does it say?
One correct answer is found in the text.
What does it mean? How are the parts connected? what is the reason for people’s actions?
There is more than one possible answer, but the viewer’s opinion is based directly on the text.
What is the message beyond this presentation? What are the greater issues or questions this piece deals with?
The presentation is not directly referenced in the question. There are many possible answers found outside of the presentation, but it’s a starting point.
How effective is the presentation in whole or in part? Why did the speaker/author make these choices and how well do they work?
Many possible answers can be found outside of the presentation but it’s a reference.
Expressions and terms🦧覚えておきたい単語・表現

Pick some terms that you are unfamiliar with from sentences you high-lightened and memorize them because you need them to discuss this chapter!!
term | example sentence |
hindsight | Those who have only a superficial knowledge of a certain period tend to offer a just-so story to explain with hindsight why that outcome was inevitable. |
deterministic determinism | Determinism is appealing because it implies that our world and our beliefs are a natural and inevitable product of history. |
inexorably | There is no proof that cultures that are beneficial to humans must inexorably succeed and spread. |
conceivable | It is conceivable to imagine history going on for generations upon generations while bypassing the Scientific Revolution. |
単語 | 例文 |
後知 恵 | 特定の期間の表面的な知識しか持たない人は、その結果が避けられなかった理由を後知恵で説明するために都合の良い話を提供する傾向があります。 |
決定論 | 決定論は、私たちの世界や私たちの考えが歴史において自然で避けられない産物であったことを示したいときに魅力的に聞こえます。 |
否応なく | 人間にとって有益な文化が否応なく成功し、広まらなければならないという証拠はありません。 |
想像しうる | 科学革命を迂回しながら、何世代にもわたって歴史が続くことは、想像しうることです。 |

I like the idea that culture is a parasite. Even though empires, commerce, and universal religions direct history to unification, it is uncertain that what will be chosen from numerous options.
I’ve just met a person who believes capitalism strongly, and I was overwhelmed, drained, and exhausted. It seems they really didn’t notice how I was being cautious about capitalism at all, since their parasite were so powerful that it blinds him from everything!