英語でSway を読もう📖#4
For English learners!
Hello everyone, how’s your English learning journey going?😃 Reading an English book is sometimes a long journey. You might inadvertently stop if you are alone. But no worries. You are at the right place already. I would like to explore an English book here so that you can try reading the book with me. We are not alone. Let’s enjoy a fun time reading!
The book, which I picked up this time, is called Sway, published by Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman. When I read this book for the first time, I was surprised that contrast that topic is academic and interesting, the volume of the book was not that big!!! The Amazon Kindle link below allows you to read chapter 1. Today, I am covering chapter 4.
You can check out my recommending strategy of reading as well as a bit of information about this book with a link below. Okay then, let’s get started📖
Ch.4 Michael Jordan and the First-Date Interview
🪂第4章 マイケル・ジョーダンと初デート型採用面接
Grasp the structure🪂構成を把握する

To grasp the chapter, you just try to see its hierarchical configuration. I strongly recommend drawing it either physically or virtually.
Summarize the chapter concisely🪂章を簡潔にまとめる

To summarize, check the hierarchical configuration and make sentences with important points of each.
When people encounter a new object, they assign its value based on what they perceived, which is called value attribution. Meanwhile, once they’ve made a diagnosis, they experience an inability to reconsider the judgment, which is called diagnosis bias. This label prevents them from seeing what’s clearly before their faces.
From the statistic of NBA players, you can see that their draft order numbers influence people’s perceptions and it consequently affects players’ longevity. From the study of job interviews, it is seen that people’s perceptions give too much credence to irrelevant factors that they consider more important, and it leads to poor outcomes. The most difficult psychological force people experience is spontaneous confidence in their own decision-making. It distorts them from seeing objective data.
Make questions to discuss🪂ディスカッション用の質問を作ろう

To discuss, make questions. It gives you a great topic to talk about in English.
What is the message beyond this presentation? What are the greater issues or questions this piece deals with?
The presentation is not directly referenced in the question. There are many possible answers found outside of the presentation, but it’s a starting point.
My opinion: Being confident in one’s own decision seems to be crucial to survive in life. The problem is, would it be possible that we can be confident while being cautious that confidence prevents us from seeing other objective data? Being confident means picking one choice and trusting in it. If you are still cautious of something, then it is not trusted. Therefore, it is not realistic that people can find a solution against the diagnostic bias.
five questions for discussion🪂ディスカッション用の5つの質問
How does this make me feel? What does it remind me of?
There are many correct answers that are related to one’s experience; they can be found outside of the text/speech.
What does it say?
One correct answer is found in the text.
What does it mean? How are the parts connected? what is the reason for people’s actions?
There is more than one possible answer, but the viewer’s opinion is based directly on the text.
What is the message beyond this presentation? What are the greater issues or questions this piece deals with?
The presentation is not directly referenced in the question. There are many possible answers found outside of the presentation, but it’s a starting point.
How effective is the presentation in whole or in part? Why did the speaker/author make these choices and how well do they work?
Many possible answers can be found outside of the presentation but it’s a reference.
Expressions and terms🪂覚えておきたい単語・表現

Pick some terms that you are unfamiliar with from sentences you high-lightened and memorize them because you need them to discuss this chapter!!
term | example sentence |
predict | “Joe Friday” interviews are six times more effective than first-date interviews at predicting a candidate’s job performance. |
optimistic | we all become overly confident in our predictive abilities and overly optimistic about the future |
contradict | we often ignore all evidence that contradicts what we want to believe |
overcome | it’s harder to overcome this sway than we might think. |
単語 | 例文 |
予測する | 「ジョーフライデー」方式の面接は、候補者の職務遂行能力を予測する上で、初デートの面接よりも6倍効果的だ。 |
楽観的な | 私たちは皆、予測能力に過度に自信を持ち、将来について過度に楽観的になるものだ。 |
矛盾する | 人はよく、自分が信じたいと思うことに矛盾するすべての証拠を無視する。 |
克服する | この心理的な揺れを克服するのは思っている以上に難しい。 |

This chapter has explored the further depth of the force of value attribution. Once we assign a value to something, it would be super hard for us to remove. Because we are very confident on own decision-making. We even don’t consider this process as we do make a decision. It is more like, once you think, you just naturally believe then hardly wonder it. What do you think, can you come up with any solution against this force?