Hello everyone, what’s up?
In my previous articles, I explore the article of the cycle of socialization and TED-Talk of Ibram X. Kendi.
In this article, I will examine the mechanism of internalized oppression.

What is internalized oppression?◼内在化された抑圧とは
There is a social system in a society that divides people into social groups in accordance with a specific set of social identities. These social identities predispose people to hierarchal roles in the dynamic system of oppression. This oppression functions to maintain exploitation since people from each group cooperate and oppress one another.
This process is called the cycle of socialization. People experience three levels of oppression throughout the process.
When a subordinate group of people has been repeatedly mistreated, the patterns begin to act out on members of a dominant group perpetrated by members of the group.
Like any other pattern, you don’t need the perpetrator telling you that you are no good, you hear it in your head. You believe the stereotypes and lies about people in your group. This is called internalized oppression.
A study of institutional opression◼
We have kids in the inner cities who are verbal geniuses, but we call them deficient in school and attempt to eradicate a part of their identity.
Geneva Smitherman, in Dinwiddie-Boyd (1996)
“Dismantling anti-black linguistic racism in English language arts classrooms” is an article written by April Baker-Bell, a scholar at Michigan State University.
The article contextualizes the contemporary linguistic inequalities that Black students experience in school in Detroit and depicts the perceptions of Black Language reflected internalized anti-black linguistic racism.
The concept of academic language was developed in the mid-1970s. It was for making a distinction between language that is used in school and language that is used outside of school. However, this attempt has created a social hierarchy, and “academic language” serves as a proxy for White Mainstream English.
Anti-black linguistic racism refers to…
- linguistic violence
- persecution
- dehumanization
- marginalization
- 言葉の暴力
- 迫害
- 人間性の喪失
- 疎外
Discussion in a ninth grade class
All of the students in the class identified as Black or African American and communicated in the Black language.
First, they were shown Language A below.

Next, they were shown Language B below.

Then, let students discuss them.
This is a snapshot of the group dialog. The author points out that students reinscribed a linguistic and racial hierarchy by drawings, comments, and perspectives.

Black Language and blackness are inferior and White Mainstream English and whiteness are superior. Thus, students reinforce whiteness and anti-blackness.
Students conflated words and images such as “disrespectful,” “thug,” “ghetto,” “bad,” “trouble,” “skip school,” and “get bad grades” with Black linguistic and cultural norms.
This is the reflection of how students reinforce antiblackness and anti-black linguistic racism, which is called internalized oppression. Thus, institutional oppression encourages people to see things through the dominant group’s lens unconsciously and sometimes consciously, the lends of white supremacy in this case.
Toward an Anti-Racist Black Language
The students’ responses beg for a language pedagogy that works to dismantle anti-black linguistic racism.
Azumi’s view◼アズミの見方
How does this study address racism?
This study addresses racism to eradicate institutional oppression via language in school. When people affirm a hierarchy of language, it would possibly make people not only be oppressed but also become oppressor. If a black student internalized this oppression and accept this hierarchy, then, they might become looking down people who are not fluent in White Mainstream English, such as foreigners. And the hierarchy become just deeper.
How does this relate to your life?
This article has made me realized that a language can be easily an oppressing factor. In my country, Japan, people try to avoid using their dialect when they speak with a stranger. Similaly, it is often said that Japanese people tend to expect others to speak perfect Japanese language. It is one of the difficulies that a foreigner experiences in the nation. It gives me an clear view that this descrimination has to be addressed to eradicate.