Hello everyone, what’s up?
Me? My fall semester, supposedly the last semester of my certification program has begun!! I’d like to share what this program is working on here. This month, I will take a racism course.
In this article, I am exploring the recent idea of ‘Critical Race Theory’ and an article about racism in the U.S.

What is Critical Race Theory◼批判的人種理論
- centricity of race and racism with other forms of subordination
- the challenge to dominant ideology
- the commitment to social justice
- the centrality of experiential knowledge
- the utilization of interdisciplinary approaches
- 誰かを従属させる形態の中心に人種をすえること
- 支配的な考え方への挑戦
- ソーシャル・ジャスティスへの従事
- 経験的知識を中心におくこと
- 学際的アプローチの利用
The definition of critical race theory is ambiguous, or not easy to understand clearly. People who want to silence voices that want to discuss racism in classrooms picked this theory and took advantage of this ambiguity. The video describes how people can find a useful word, utilize it for the complete opposite reason, and refuse discourse. It is enlightening how people create a new myth (critical race theory is harmful to education) when they experience fear of losing their power that is supported by their old myths (White Supremacy).

Elizabeth Martinez’s Article◼エリザベス・マルティネスの記事より
Race: The U.S. Creation Myth and Its Premise Keepers by Elizabeth (Betita) Martinez. It was first written as a presentation for the “Challenging White Supremacy Workshop” in 1993.
人種:エリザベス(ベティタ)マルティネスによる米国の創造神話とその前提保持者。 この記事は1993年に「白人至上主義に立ち向かうためのワークショップ」のプレゼンテーションとして最初に書かれました。
What is White Supremacy?
➜ A historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and oppression by white peoples.
Racism should be called white supremacy because…
- The word “supremacy” describes better the power relationship.
- Race sounds to relate biology but there is no biological or scientific basis.
- Racism often leas to dead-end debates about a n individual white person’s behavior, meanwhile it is rather inhuman collective system.
- 「至上の」という言葉は、パワーが関係するシステムであることを表している。
- 人種と聞くと生物学的事象と考えられがちだが、その実、生物学的もしくは科学的な根拠は何らない。
- 人種差別というと白人の一個人がどんな行動や振る舞いをしたかという議論に終始しがちだが、実際には非人道的な集団的なシステムであることを理解することが肝要。
Every country has a creation or origin myth, which is the story people are taught of how their country came into being.
Meanwhile, there are three giant facts people should know about the emergence of the U.S.
- Before the European invasion, between 9-18 million indigenous people lived. By the end of the so-called Indian Wars, about 373,000 remained. ➜ The military conquest and genocide.
- The economic growth of the U.S., so-called the Market Revolution, depended on the slave labor.
- The expansion of the land by the seizure enabled the U.S. to reach the Pacific and open up valuable trade with Asia. ➜ The military expansion.
- ヨーロッパの侵略前は、北米大陸には900万から1800万人の先住民が住んでいたが、いわゆるインディアン戦争の終わに生き残ったのは約373,000人だけである。 ➜軍事的征服と大量虐殺。
- 米国の経済成長―いわゆる市場革命は、奴隷労働に依存していた。
- 押収による土地の拡大にって米国は太平洋に到達し、アジアとの貴重な貿易を開くことができた。 ➜軍事的拡大。
➜ An empire of the U.S. lies in economic exploitation by the theft of resources and human labor.
➜ It was justified by the myth of a racist ideology that affirms the inferiority of its victims.
➜ White Supremacy and economic power were born together. The U.S. was born to be racist and capitalist.
How does White Supremacy maintain its myth?
- sustained by the institutions with the ideology of Whiteness. The Slave Codes.
- justified their expansion with myths that God destined to them. Manifest Destiny.
- 肌の白さの考え方によって社会機関が作られた。奴隷取締法等。
- 神がこれを運命づけたのだと神話を作り、搾取や拡大を正当化した。”明白なる使命”。
Today, the arrogance of power can be seen in all U.S. relations with other countries.
White Supremacy has become more global than ever and millions of people of color have become globalized, such as “global assembly line” for production.
Corporate globalization has come to a Neo-liberalism that means privatization, deregulation, the decline of social services, and other policies. It is reflected by the ideology of individualism.
➜ The main victims are nations of people of color.
➜ 有色人種の国々がこの傲慢な権力の犠牲になっている。
Azumi’s view◼アズミの見方
How does this reading relate to Critical Racism Theory?
When the fewer white settlers were outnumbered by black slaves and indigenous peoples, they established social stratification and controlled them by laws and privileges. Also, their fear toward them loomed larger. Their fear resembles what I saw in the video. They are afraid that their myth falls apart, and in order to avoid it, they create further myths.
How does this reading relate to your life?
I am not sure if globalization is caused by White Supremacy. I can see the structure that western countries oppress impoverished countries and let them internalized they are superior and we are inferior. It was so powerful and pervasive. When I was a child, mental illness is not a disease rather a condition defined by our culture. Today, a lot of pharmaceutical companies from western or America accumulates a lot of money by selling drugs. This is definitely the arrogance of power. They use internalized oppression and let other racial people believe their science is valid, true, and our cultural construction, remedy, or ideology are inferior. The problem is that a lot of western people just naively believing they are helping inferior or disadvantaged people. Science today is hard to distinguish between myth and objective reality.