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The severe Ablism in Japan in the light of reward from the Japanese government for athletes.
I do not like people the media always pay huge attention to medals in the Olympics and Paralympics. How much attention can emerge toward media that might be able to measure the intensity of Ablism in the nation? But, there is another way to do it. The national reward to athletes who win medals. Please see the picture below. Even though the reward for the silver medal and bronze medal is the same for both Olympic and Paralympic athletes, the gold medal reward for the Olympics has been increased after 2016. Why they didn’t do for Para-athletes? Why did Japanese people allow to do this? This is called institutional oppression. It is oppression made by an institution, such as a nation, a government, a school, and so on. This contains a dangerous possibility to send a wrong message to the population. For example, people might think able people’s sports is much more worthy to pay more. If this kind of message sends from institutions such as the government, it easily became a norm that everyone takes it as normal. We really need to contend with this wrong treatment. First of all, disabled people seem to have larger difficulty since they are called disabled. Therefore, we should reward their achievement more than able people logically. What do you think?
