In this article, I would like to share a learning method emphasizing speaking. I hope that this can make our learning experience more fun and effective.
How to love learning a language?💓

- Something feels wrong 🧗🏾目の前に立ちはだかる違和感
- A YouTube video appeared🤸🏾♂️ある動画との出会い
- Do you agree? disagree?🕹️賛成する?反対する?
- Difference between acquiring and learning 📝’習得する’と’学習する’の違い
- Do not study grammar📝文法を勉強するな
- Do not correct me or please correct me.📝訂正しないで欲しい、いや、して欲しい
- Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling📚物語を読みながら教える
- The most important things to remember🧠覚えておくべき最も大切なこと
- Do not forget a crucial treat from natural speaking🙊自然なスピーキングで得られるご褒美
- Let’s make a plan✨計画を立てましょう
- How to manage a speaking session👩🏻🏫スピーキングセッションの方法
- My reflection💞おわりに
- The real Challenge Learn From Zero
Something feels wrong 🧗🏾目の前に立ちはだかる違和感
I mentioned that a job offer made me determined to become an independent instructor rather than an employed teacher in the past article. Actually, this gave me another influence on my career journey.
The offer was about teaching a group of beginners Japanese for 8-weeks. The school told me that they expected me to finish half of a textbook. They gave me two options for textbooks. One is “Japanisch, bitte!” and another is ”Marugoto: Japanese language and culture.” Also, I was told that the instruction can be in English.
その、仕事なんですが、知識ゼロの学習者に8週間日本語を教えるグループレッスンでした。スクールからは半分くらい教科書を終えて欲しいと説明を受けました。教科書については二種類提案されました。ひとつは、『Japanisch, bitte!』そしてもう一つは『まるごと』です。授業は英語で行っていいとも言われました。
Since I was unfamiliar with both textbooks, and it didn’t give me the ideas of how my instruction could go, it made me uncomfortable. Especially “Japanisch, bitte” is so unique curriculum that it lets learners learn Hiragana gradually not all at once, like each chapter 6-8 Hiraganas. It really confused me. Also, it made me feel uncomfortable with the fact that I couldn’t be comfortable with my long-hoping job. Like, shouldn’t I say I am a professional instructor? I seriously realized that I need to have more experience to teach zero-knowledge learners.
どちらの教科書もまったく初めてで、しかも中を見ても全然どうやって授業を進めていこうというアイデアが湧いてこなかったんです。『Japanisch, bitte!』はとてもユニークなカリキュラムでひらがなを各章に6〜8つくらいずつ教えるというものでした。それにすごく混乱しました。また、ずっと待ち望んでいた仕事がやっとできるかもしれないというのに、混乱に陥っている自分自身にもショックでした。こんなことでプロの教師と語れるのかと思えてきたんです。自分には知識ゼロの学習者に対する指導実績が必要だと感じました。
A YouTube video appeared🤸🏾♂️ある動画との出会い
Lately, I ran across a video. It, below, shows how an American language teacher acquired the Arabic language from zero in one year. This made me so excited. The method itself is not so special, and I think it is well-known among language teachers, in fact, it was something I learned in a class for Japanese teaching certification as well as a psychology class in college. But, I’ve never seen someone instruct me such elaborately, with a real example experience.
The video’s summary💘ビデオのまとめ
It can be always encouraging to see how someone made progress in a certain duration. Even though it takes about an hour, it is worth watching to expand your knowledge that there are various ways to learn languages. Although I don’t have to accept all of the author’s ideas. The important thing is, that it encourages us to think about how can improve our own language experience better. Here is my summary of the video.
Right after watching this video, I had an in-person session with my language partner whom I’ve had an online session seven times before. It was just exciting. We both enjoyed our session so much more than the ones we had before. So, I got to like this method immediately.
Do you agree? disagree?🕹️賛成する?反対する?
I don’t think we should follow completely what this video tells us. Here is I think.
Difference between acquiring and learning 📝’習得する’と’学習する’の違い

I agree with this point. When we speak our mother tongue, we don’t think, as you surely know. This resonates me well with my suspicion of Ankidroid, which is an app I used for vocabulary in the past. I ended up noticing myself not being able to manage to utilize the vocabulary I memorized into speaking. I am really into how an instructor can guide their learners efficiently to let them acquire knowledge.
Do not study grammar📝文法を勉強するな

According to the video, grammar doesn’t help your execution of making a sentence, and it hinders your natural production of the language. What do you think? Worthy to believe?
Do not spend your time in a vain attempt to master the language from grammar rules and word lists. You will not enjoy this tedious form of study, and it will not work.
Stephen Kaufman (15 languages polyglot)
First of all, please do not worry about what you have learned already. It does help you, consequently!!!!
Secondly, it might be true when it comes to a quick execution: considering genuinely only speaking, grammar seldom helps it. When I think about how I acquired English phrases that people often use, I just tried to memorize full sentences and I didn’t need to break them down into grammar parts.
However, grammar should contribute in a different way. If learners do not have enough natural speaking, then grammar greatly helps you to understand the language. After all, I think that it depends on how much you can get natural speaking.
I assume that not everyone can get this amount of natural approach unlike the author, therefore, I would like to explore how grammar can serve while still prioritizing the natural approach. This is one of my new goals!! I will find a way to integrate grammar into speaking-leaned-lesson.
Do not correct me or please correct me.📝訂正しないで欲しい、いや、して欲しい

According to the video, the correction has no benefits. Therefore, we should ask native speakers not to correct us (; they emphasized the study by John Truscott.). Their explanation is that it doesn’t work thereby it is waste of time. It must be controversial. First, what struck me the most is that no scholars on screen did not provide any further empirical findings in the video even though it has passed about a half century since Krashen claimed his natural approach. (What linguistics have been done?)
In the linguistics field, people distinguish between an error and a mistake. For example, someone inadvertently says “how is you?” instead of “how are you?”, this is a mistake. By the way, can you imagine someone could say this? I cannot! Why? Because people would have so much natural input in life about “how are you?” and easily learn subconsciously “how are you?” is a solid formula. Meanwhile, someone might say inadvertently “Germany beated Japan in an Olympics game yesterday.” And nobody corrects them and this person believes that ‘beat-beated-beaten as its conjugation’ and repeats the same mistake, which is called an error.
言語学の分野では、エラーと間違いは区別されます。例えば誰かがうっかり “how are you?”の代わりに “how is you?” と言ったとします。これは間違いと呼ばれます。ところでこの間違い誰かがしているところを想像できますか?私はできません!なぜかって?それは誰もが“how are you?”という表現について十分自然に出くわしているので、簡単に無意識に” how are you?”っていうのは一つの大切なフレーズなんだと理解できるからです。一方、誰かがうっかり “Germany beated Japan in an Olympics game yesterday.” (”昨日オリンピックの試合でドイツが日本を破った”)と言ったとします。beatの過去形は一般ルールに基づくbeatedではなく不規則ルールのbeatです。で、もしこれを誰も訂正しない場合、この発言者はbeatは一般ルールに基づく動詞で活用は’beat-beated-beaten’ だと信じ続け、同じ間違いを続けることでしょう。これをエラーと呼びます。
If we have enough natural speaking, we can correct without correction, like “how are you?” However, if we do not have enough natural speaking, we will keep making an error, like “German beated Japan.” Whether learners want to speak grammatically correctly or do not value speaking grammatically correctly depends on the individual.
もし学習者が十分に自然なスピーキングに触れられれば、訂正をされなくても自然と自分で正していけるようになるのでしょう。“how are you?”を誰もが自然と覚えるのがその例です。でももし十分に自然なスピーキングが得られない場合、学習者は“German beated Japan.” のようなエラーを繰り返し続けるでしょう。文法的に正しく話したいと望むか、文法的に正しく話すことに重きを置かないかは、結局のところ個人の好みの問題です。
I think that we don’t have to worry about mistakes, but a language teacher should care about an error. Along with lesson runs, instructors can notice some errors their students always make. That’s when instructors should intervene by providing much more natural input. I think neither corrected right sentences nor detailed explanation is needed necessarily, however, the students definitely need more comprehensible input relates to their error; ex) “Germany beat Japan yesterday? really? Last time Japan beat Germany.” they can provide more sentences used same verb conjugation.
私は、間違いは母語であってもしてしまうもので、気にする必要はないと思っています。でも、語学教師はエラーに注意を払うべきです。レッスンを進めていけば、学習者のエラーの傾向に気づくことができます。そして気づいたときが、語学教師が介入して自然なスピーキングのインプットを提供するときだと思っています。正しい文章にして示したり、必要な文法的知識を解説したりは必ずしも必要ではありませんが、間違いなく学習者にはこのエラーに関連する理解可能なインプットがもっと必要だと思うんです。例)”Germany beat Japan yesterday? really? Last time Japan beat Germany.”といったように同じ動詞の活用で別の文章を即座に提供して気づきを与えるのは学習者の役に立つはずです。
Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling📚物語を読みながら教える

Reading is fresh comprehensible input
Dr. Stephen Krashen
I couldn’t agree more with this method. When we get to know a word, it always entails a context, otherwise, this word just will be vanished from our memory. If we have a context, it helps us to memorize it with a lot of background information. For example, when it comes to memorizing Kanji, it is really helpful to note what this Kanji’s image is like- visualization. As you may notice, I am providing more articles about reading than anything else, since I do believe that language needs a certain world it plays out in.
The most important things to remember🧠覚えておくべき最も大切なこと

“I want to know the most efficient way!!” I know, I feel you. I used to think that way. In the video, the author’s probably want to claim that the natural approach is the quickest and most efficient way of acquiring a language. Whether you agree or disagree, do not worry.
Learning deeply means learning slowly.
Epstein, David. Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World. 2019.
デイビッド・エプスタイン: RANGE(レンジ)知識の「幅」が最強の武器になる, 2019
In his book Range, David Epstein, a journalist, explores relationships between performances and efficiency. He reports that researchers claim that “the slowest growth occurs for the most complex skills.” If you want to master your target language, you should relax and enjoy your own struggling slow path. Therefore, your motivation is the most important factor to let that happens. If you are interested in grammar, please enjoy learning it.
If you are interested in grammar, please enjoy learning it. If you are interested in writing Kanji, you should enjoy practice writing it. What attracts you the most will lead you to your success. And, please do not worry especially when it takes time, because when you are struggling, that is when your brain is learning the most. Be careful of a trap of the temptation of efficiency, it is fleeting progress; it has scientifically been proven.
Do not forget a crucial treat from natural speaking🙊自然なスピーキングで得られるご褒美
One thing that the author didn’t mention explicitly but I want to make sure to let you aware is that this approach should enable learners to speak less accent and be more practical.
One of the fixated topics among learners is that how to speak naturally, like native speakers. It seems arduous to achieve. Why? Probably because of the grammar-based method, which enables learners to speak without natural input.
Once learners grasp a sense of their target language, they start to worry about how their pronunciation sound. For example, a YouTuber, Dogen, is super popular among Japanese learners thanks to his natural pitch accent. Natural accent becomes an important factor. All the learners hope if they sound like native speakers.
Me too. When I was learning English intensely, I took a class for shadowing at an online school. The school provides how to shadow in order to acquire more natural and fluent speaking skills. I practiced seriously because I wanted to sound like a native speaker seriously. But, you know what, it was so boring. It was like Buddhism practices.
In fact, the YouTuber Dogen suggests that it is important to be aware of Japanese pitch accent at the beginning of your learning journey since your pronunciation ingrains in your brain cognition and lets you make it hard to distinguish or articulate natural speaking, once it gets used to it.
Grammar-based learning is great because it enables you to learn without native speakers. However, when you feel you have more energy to work on pronunciation, it might cost so much more time to fix your-complete-foreigner-ish accent.
Let’s make a plan✨計画を立てましょう
How to apply this method🏃🏻この方法をどう取り入れるのが良いか
I would like to see how this method works. But, I feel that it is very challenging to have a native speaker for all learners. I would like to suggest combining two ways. While tracking the time of your self-learning, add the natural speaking time as much as possible. In order to motivate, schedule and experiment, I would recommend setting a certain duration for this natural speaking, such as 100 hours.
Aim to 100 hours speaking time🏃🏻♀️100時間のスピーキングを目標に
1. Let’s set how many hours per week you have time to speak feasibly, as of now!
1. 一週間にどれだけ自然なスピーキング時間を持つことができるか、現実的な時間数を設定しましょう。
2. Record all of your sessions. And, add up the speaking time while reviewing by listening to your audio. (You should schedule this new routine in your everyday life, such as your lunchtime for 15 mins or before going to bed for 30 minutes.)
2. すべてのスピーキングのセッションを録音しましょう。そしてこれを聞いて復習をする時間を確保しましょう。(これを新しいルーティンとして時間を確保し、毎日の生活に取り入れてください。例えば昼休憩に15分、寝る前に30分といった感じです。)
3. How many weeks will you need to hit 100 hours? (This is going to be a feasible goal)
3. 100時間達成するのに何週間かかりますか?(これがまず目指すべき実現可能なゴールということになります。)
4. How many hours would you ideally speak? Try expanding the speaking time as much as possible. (You might be able to shorten your feasible goal!)
4. 理想的にはさらに何時間スピーキングの時間を持ちたいですか?とにかくこのスピーキングの時間を可能な限り増やしてみましょう。(そうすると100時間の達成をもっと早くすることができるかもしれません。)
Set a goal for your self-learning🏃🏻独学時間の目標設定
- How many hours you have time for self-learning? Let’s figure out what would you like to work on, and set how many hours would you like to work on.
- 週に何時間独学に割けますか。その独学時間に何を勉強したいですか。時間数と学習内容を設定しましょう。
How to manage a speaking session👩🏻🏫スピーキングセッションの方法
I would like to suggest creating your own rule in order for you to have a comfortable safe environment, which is important to let your brain relaxed. (Actually, this is another Krashen’s theory, called the Affective filter hypothesis.) Here is my adjusting rule example.
Set the your own rule🏃🏻自分のルールを作る
How to proceed🏃♂️進め方
Flow’s suggestion🏃🏻♀️流れの目安
- the beginning/ はじめGreetings, Magazine
(Begin with clothing and colors.)
- after 10 hoursMagazine, TPR
- after 30 hoursMagazine, TPR, Storytelling
- after 50 hoursMagazine20%, Storytelling 80%
My reflection💞おわりに
When I started to learn German, I have already some strategies of how to do a language exchange. I usually use Hellotalk and rarely use Tandem, which both the author mentioned in his video. What I’ve done first was to add German as my new target language. Then, the next step was to learn German’s basic grammar in order to begin language exchange.
Until I watched this video, I didn’t notice that how my understanding of the language learning process was influenced by the domination of grammar education. I had simply denied there was no such way for people to interact with one another without a certain grammar knowledge.
When my friend who is a beginner learner of the Korean language was told by one Korean language speaker that the discrepancy of the language proficiency between the two of them was crucial thereby he declined the language exchange. I simply thought that was an understandable choice.
Now, I genuinely wonder, how much this grammar-based domination hinders relentlessly for us from having real language-speaking experiences. This is just sad.
When I took a history class in middle school or something, I was amazed by people, who learned a language, traveled abroad, studied there, returned, and contributed to the nation even one hundred years ago. Around that era, it is no wonder, that grammar was the only way they could begin learning the language. (Honestly, lecturing grammar is an easier part for a language teacher. Is this caused by the laziness of language teachers?)
But, now the way of communication has evolved so much, and we are able to enjoy more ways to learn a language. Since our brain likes what we usually do, it might be the reason that the theory of a half-century-ago is in the floating position, while the grammar method dominates.
I just feel like we should be eager to absorb various ways to enjoy acquiring a language, taking advantage of our convenient technology! And, I really hope that I will find my own way and support language learners with it.
The most intriguing point of the video for me is that he emphasizes the precious communication experiences through learning languages. It is going to be your life-long relationship that let your life brighter, more meaningful, and more joyful. Might speaking with someone be the reason that you determined to learn a language in the first place? Aren’t we compromising our joy due to grammar domination? And addition to joy, do not forget the gift of the acquisition of natural accent altogether.
We can enjoy and learn a language with more fun by this method. And, your joy and excitement boost your learning experience faster, more significantly, and more successfully. As I said, it has to be a slow process. Therefore, we need joy. and it lets our cognitive action more productive.
Thanks for reading. I really want to know what you think! Please feel free to let me know.😆 Also, I am thinking of making content to record this 100-hour experiment on this blog. If you are interested in it, please let me know!🥳
The real Challenge Learn From Zero
Now, my friend Dan and I have started our new challenge that absorbs natural Japanese input in 100 hours. You can start acquiring Japanese with our videos from zero knowledge. Otherwise enjoy seeing how far Dan can go!!!!