Why don’t you join my Free Experimental Lesson?
What’s Experimental Lesson? 実験レッスンって何?
Hello everyone,
I would like to have free experimental lessons here. Although I am confident to be a professional language instructor, it means neither that I don’t need to train myself anymore nor that I am the best instructor that ever lived, lol. Since I’m starting this blog-platform to expand my career, I would like to set my first year for cultivating my own curriculum and improving my teaching skills. Therefore, I am offering free experimental lessons for you, who are generously taking your time to take a look at my website, exclusively. Oh, by the way, donation would be greatly appreciated only when you learn something worthy in my lesson, I would like to cover my public mandatory health insurance fee (since I am unemployed).
What to be expected 求められること
What lessons are available now? 今募集中のレッスン
How to contact Azumi
Before considering a serious commitment, please do not hesitate to ask me any questions. Some are already set a time and day of the week, others are not determined anything yet. Also, level requirement is just a measurement and not required any certified information. As far as you don’t feel heavily overwhelmed, it is fine.