Read an English book for the first time
For English learners!
Hello everyone, how’s your English learning journey going?😃 What are you struggle for? I had struggled so long for reading in English. I just didn’t like it, so I avoided reading as much as possible🥲 But, at the same time, I wanted to be able to read an English book someday.
Now I read English books more than Japanese books. I would like to write about how did learn managing reading in English. Also, since one of the impactful things that happened to me was joining a book group, I would like to organize a book group here in near future. For now, please enjoy exploring how to read in English. Hope you try reading the book, which I picked for this article🥳
In order to present what to do to be prepared, I would like to explain with a book, which is called Sapiens, published by Yuval Noah Harari.📖
📕Get ready for reading! 読む前にする3つのこと+6つのTips
✒️Who’s the author? 著者はどんなヒト?

It is very helpful to know the author’s background. One of the things language learners tend to forget is that they stop paying attention to broader information, which they usually do in their mother tongues😌
Also, it is really helpful to explore the podcast, youtube, and news articles about the book. This time, I unexpectedly found his Coursera!! Would it be possible to find Coursera for a book that you are about to read? I don’t think so. This is a miracle!!😳
📋Check the contents roughly! 目次をみる

Let’s check out the contents, then thumb through the book📖 . Just briefly check the titles of each chapter and sub-sections. You can see a lot of images, which gives you a better sense of this book. Just skim the atmosphere of the book and let yourself imagine that you will finish this thicker book eventually😲.
📖Calendar the reading schedule 読書計画をカレンダーに書く

Next, let’s make a plan to read along with the number of chapters. How soon would you like to finish reading it? Be careful of our tendency of getting bored after a while. Your goal is to finish before you get bored obviously. The goal is to experience reading an English book a bit but finishing reading it🤩 Also, please write it down or input your schedule into your calendar, which encourages you to complete this project😙
📝Five tips to follow for your reading 読み方のオススメ6つ

🏃♀【First round】Read with the 80/20 rule 80/20ルールで読む

An Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, noticed that 20% of the pea plants in his garden generated 80% of the healthy peapods. This turned out to be a universal truth that 80% of results will come from just 20 percent of the action🧐
If you just read the first and last paragraph of each chapter as well as the first sentence of each paragraph in between, you’ll understand 80% of the message of the book.
Kruse, Kevin. 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management. 2015, p. 78.
So, now you see what to read first in order to attain 80% of understanding. You are going to read the first and last paragraphs as well as the first sentence of the rest paragraphs😌
(ケヴィン・クルーズ. 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management. 2015, p 78.)

As far as not that many, you can use a dictionary🔍
🏃♂【Second round】Read without a dictionary 次は辞書無しで読みきる

What would be the primary reason to read a book? I would say, to enjoy the reading experience; encounter unfamiliar something. In order to enjoy, whatever languages are used, we should ride the flow of the reading. Actually, we are usually good at this as far as reading in our mother tongues. Then, in order to do so, language learners should be careful of using a dictionary since it might disconnect the flow. Please minimize your usage of dictionaries as little as possible, and keep in mind you will come back afterward.

When my reading speed was not that fast, I used to use text-in-speech while reading (if the book was an e-book.) It is audio so that you can easily avoid random distractions and focus on finishing it in a certain time. Then, if you like, you can read it again without a dictionary and audio.

We are aiming here on schedule.
🏃【Third Round】Review 詳しく読む

Here are what to do for review. You can find detailed information in future articles.
See the structure and find keywords 章の構成とキーワードを把握する
Summarize briefly 章を簡単にまとめてみる
Make five questions to discuss ディスカッションするための質問を作る
Check important expressions and terms 覚えておきたい単語・表現を確認する

That’s how to read an English book for language learners. It would be great if you can try it, moderate it, and create your own way!! Thanks for reading🥳
🚀Supplement Where to begin, what to read? どこから始めればいい?
🚧 under construction 現在記事を作成中 🚧
🖱 Supplement【under construction 準備中】E-bookで読書する
